So the boys officially finish their first month of school. They are learning so much. I am so glad we picked WBEC for their pre-school. Jackson has even learned some Spanish since, there are a couple of Spanish kids there. Jackson is also into drawing. He has a great imagination. When Jackson studies a picture or structure, he basically replica the same thing. It amazes me that a 4 year can do that. Jackson loves both of his teachers, and is making many friends. Very outspoken, and flirts with any girl in his radius. He nows counts to 100 with a little bit of help. But like I said before I am amazed!! He is also taking interest into reading. He likes to pick out words and sound them off. I am hoping he will be able to read by the end of pre-k. Besides of school; he is playing t-ball, Awana's at church, and soon he will be attending Kids Choir at church.
Karson is coming out of his shyness a little at a time. He loves his teacher!! I believe he has a girlfriend name AVA. He even spells her name all the time, and writes it. Rumors are that AVA is the mean girl in class, but Karson just adores her. Karson loves playing on the computer in class, so amazing watching him. He walks into class, does all the normal morning routines. And then he is on that computer. I can't believe my 4 can operate a computer!! Karson likes for me to walk him into school a couple times of week. I love doing it. I get to see his artwork and he is so proud of himself. He gets surprises all the time for being a great kid.
The boys recently started watching Care Bears. So we made nicknames for the boys. Karson is Snuggle bear since he loves to snuggle. And Jackson is crazy bear. Jackson loves to watch Monster Truck Jam, X-games, and Wipeout. Since Jackson claims he only watches cool shows now. Nick Jr. is for babies. Karson isn't really sure what he likes. He just likes to play with his pet rocks. One night Darrel came into bed, and laid down. Then he popped up very fast, and found 5 rocks laying on his side of the bed. Karson loves to leave rocks everywhere. When we try to take the rocks away. Karson would cry and say that was his friend rocky.
6 years ago