Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Almost 2 months of blogging to do!
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 7:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
March 20-26th 2011
This was finally a quiet week for us. We found out that the boys did not make it into Union Academy. We are number 88 on the waiting list. But we are actually okay with that. Since we found out that we have an "Contract" on our new house. The house is in Waxhaw city limits. So the boys will be going to the same elementary school that I went too. I am very excited over this. I love Waxhaw, and it is time for me to go back to my hometown! I was asked by Mr. Rodane if I will attend the cluster meeting for inner city schools. I was nervous about going. But I did go. I found out a lot of information about Union County Public Schools. It is a very scary situation. Something we all need to pray about. We had our house inspection on Saturday. Everything looks good! Very happy except for the fact the house has BATS in the attic. They are in between the screen and wall, so they are not actually inside the attic as of yet. But still creepy!! Can you believe BATS are protected by PETA. Crazy!! I say "kill em"!!! Our closing date is set for April 25th. Happy to be homeowners again.
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
March 13th-March19th 2011
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 4:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
March 6th-March 12th
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
Feb 28th-March 5th 2011
Slow week for us. Not much going on. The boys are into singing right now. Both are gearing up for their spring plays for school. I am still not sure what Karson's class is exactly working on, but I know about Jacksons. His play is on April 7th. Jackson knows his song "Down by the Bay" by heart. Even Darrel and I are singing the song. Jackson will be playing the baby bear in the play. I am sure, he will do great, he loves attention. The boys are also in the music maker class with church. And they love it. We have a CD we listen to constantly. And they know most of the words by heart. They love going to church on Sunday nights. I am so happy we are part of a church that has so much to offer for the boys. We were able to celebrate Ally's 4th birthday with her at Extreme play. The boys had a great time. Jackson and I had our weekly date night watching Survivor. He loves that show! While Jackson and I watch the show, Karson gets to play on my computer playing Bookflix. Still overwhelmed, that my 5 year old, can work my computer.........
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Feb 21st-27th 2011
This was the week for relaxing after celebrating the boys birthday for 5 days straight! I now say I have two 5 year old! Where did my babies go. I still can't believe they are little men now. Both of them mature overnight. The boys imaginations are growing like weeds. It is amazing at our conversations. Jackson went to use the bathroom and came back with a funny story.
Jackson: Mommy , every time you flush the toilet, it goes to the ocean.
Me: really?
Jackson: Yes Mommy!
Me: Who told you this?
Jackson: That is what my friend Nemo said. So my pee goes to the ocean
Then with a giggle he walks away.
This Tuesday I was in Karson's class. While Jackson had a special guest in his class. Later that day after I picked the boys up, I learned very quickly who the special guest was. I was informed that I drive to fast, I do not use my blinkers correctly. Even when I turned right on red, Jackson about flipped. Yes, you may have guessed it, Jackson's guest was a police officer.
We received a little note from Karson's teacher this week. It said that "Karson is now talking up a storm!" Our little shy boy, is now coming out of his shell.
The boys had their first t-ball practice for the spring. It is going to be a great year. Seems like all the parents will get along fine. Hopefully no more craziness like last fall. The boys have a terrific coach, and they were thrilled to have him back again this year. The improvement the boys made in the last year, rocks!!!
Posted by MOM OF TWINS at 10:05 PM 0 comments