With spring approaching, we are finding ourselves busy. So the boys 6:00 pm bedtime is getting later and later. And I am seeing this is becoming a problem in the mornings, when it is time to wake the boys up. Jackson is now starting to begged to sleep in on school days. On the weekends this boy is up at 5:00 AM sharp!!!
I was in Jackson's class this week, and I came to conclusion teachers must know everything about their children parents. I am only in their classes a couple hours a week, and I know a lot about these parents. I am praying that the boys don't share their home stories with their class, who knows what is said! I do know who parents are in jail, who have extra boyfriends or girlfriends, and who also can get jiggy with it(one of Jackson's little buddies term) The boys principal called me last week and asked me if I will be representative for WBEC in their Cluster meeting. I said "yes" but now I am nervous. Like I said before, I wish the boys could stay at this school, but since WBEC is only a pre-school, they must continue into elementary school. Maybe their teachers can go to which every school the boys will attend. And even Mr. Rodane. I never met a principal as loving and kind hearted as this man. He really cares for his students and teachers. We got to celebrate St. Patricks day this week. And the boys were excited. The leprechaun came to their classroom and they had to find where he went and where the treasure was. We got to indulge into St. Patricks day a little more when they got home. The boys and I made dinner that night and we had: Green eggs, Green pancakes, green milk and green pudding. Karson and Jackson loves to help cook, and the loved everything being green. Isn't it amazing how cooking with your child for 20mins can add a lifetime memory into their head.
Some funny conversations we had this week :
I asked Karson if he has been playing in the grass at school again. He said "mommy, how do you know everything?" I said "mommies know everything" Plus he had grass stains on his pants. But he doesn't need to know that.
Darrel and I had a great conversation one night with a very sleep walking Karson. There has been a fly in his room, that we can seem to kill. Karson wakes up and demanding we kill this fly, because it keeps biting him in the head. Finally, Darrel kills the fly. Karson said "I don't like being mushed(smushed, but Karson "s" are still delayed) but since it was the fly it can be mushed. Then we hear banging on the walls, we walked in and asked Karson what he was doing. He said he was mushing all the flies. There were no flies, Karson was still asleep :)
Jackson informed on that "Mommies are always right" I said "why?" Because you told me if I ate all of those green pancakes, eggs, pudding and milk, my poop may be green so don't be scare. I said "okay" Jackson : Mommy, my poop was GREEEEEEEEEEEEN.... A little too much information, but to cute to pass up.
We got to surprised Darrel this weekend with NCAA tickets to see the UNC Tarheels play in Charlotte. Darrel works very hard for our family, and he deserved these tickets. And he was very shock that he got to go. He had a blast!!!
You should bring those boys to Benton Heights next year! :-)
You are SO right--kids tell it ALL! :-)
Love the green dinner!
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