Saturday, March 6, 2010

4 Year Old Check Up

We finally made it to the pediatrician for the boys 4 year old check ups. We are always excited going to these appointments. The boys go to Matthews Children's Clinic. We see Dr. Parrish. It is about a 45 minute drive to go there. But they are really good with the boys. Unfortunately, they know us by heart.

Karson was 43 inches tall and weight in at 45.8 pounds. He is in the 97th percintile for his age. Overall Karson is doing really well. The best part about today, NO SHOTS!!!!!
Jackson finally hit the 40 inch marked!! Woo Hoo legally he can be in a booster seat now. Still a difference in weight, with Jackson weighing in at 34.6 pounds. Jackson was in the 25th percentile last year and this year he jumped to 50th. May have a small hernia but we are going to hold off to next year to see if it will go away on his own.