Both teachers and their assistants came into our house to do a home study. It was simple and easy, both boys seem to like teachers alot. Alot of paper work to fill out x2. So Thursday came around, so I tried to make that day extra special for them. Another word is SPOILING. It is sad that they are leaving me. For the past 4 1/2 years, I spent all day and every day with my babies. Some day were rough. But I am glad I was blessed to be able to experience it with my loves. We wanted the boys to have pack lunches for school. For one it was going to cost us almost $100.00 per month for them to eat. I think we can do it for alot cheaper rate by packing. We have alot of options for them to chose to take with them. They have to have brown bags as their lunch boxes. (something to do for health reasons) So, Darrel and I got the crayons out and let them decorate their bag, and let the write their own names. I hope we will continue with this. We also bought them a new alarm clock. Which they were excited about. We set the alarm clock to go off at 6:00 A.M. They have to be at school b/t 7:00-7:15. And at 7:30 they go eat breakfast. Which works out really great for me, so I don't have to worry about feeding them so early in the morning. Both boys were jumping off the walls Friday morning. No crying (not even from mommy) We took some pictures, Jackson didn't want to corporate with us, he wanted to go to school!! So we get to school and walk the boys to their classroom. We decided before hand to drop Jackson off first. Jackson teachers are Miss Lindsey and Mrs. Sowell. They seem to be very ethusatic and caring. Jackson sat right down and started drawing. Luckily Karson's teacher is right across the hall. Karson was little more shy but it didn't take him long to warm up to his teachers. Karson teachers are Ms. Tuttle and Ms. Chambers. After hugs and kisses. We finally had to leave. I sneaked back into Jackson's class, to make sure he was still okay. And he was already making friends. Found out what time their lunch schedules were. Jackson goes to lunch at 11:12 and Karson will go at 10:51. So now I can spend lunch with both of them. So that is a relief to me.
Darrel and I spent a day to ourselves. I think we are excited about Fridays. Maybe we can start doing little day dates. Not have to worry about the kids. But we have to pick the boys back up at 1:45 everyday.
We got back to the school about 1:30 and very excited about picking our babies up. We waited in the car line. Jackson came out first. And he was so talkative about what he did all day. Play by play action we got from him. Karson came out a little later. He loves school. I love the fact that they WANT to go. We also got play by play action from him. They also got to see each other on the playground. So I guess we can say that our baby boys are growing up.
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