I can't believe 10 years ago, I was only 18 years old. Darrel was 23 years old. I was fresh out of high school, and going to college. But we were in love and wanted to get married. And we did on October 21st 2000. Best day of my life! We had no clue on how our lives were going to end up. We just knew we were going to tackle life together and have fun doing it. We got married at Secrest Grove Bapist Church in Monroe NC. We had the traditional wedding with bridesmaids and grooms men's. Wedding cake smashing and love in the air. Took a quick honeymoon to Myrtle Beach SC to see our all time favorite country band, Alabama, play. We only spent 4 days at the beach, since I decided to get marry during mid-terms. But it was a start to our brand new life together as one. We bought our first house a year later. We both had great jobs. The weekends was spent with family and friends. Bought new cars, and had mini vacations. Then we decided to have a baby. Well the baby thing took couple more years than we thought. Went through alot of heartaches and emotional breakdowns. We had each other, and we had our faith. We were finally blessed with twins, Karson and Jackson!! What a true blessing they are to us. We are so thankful we were chosen to be their parents. I couldn't ask for a more important job, than to be their mom. Of course most people knows our story, and where our story goes too. Darrel was sick going into our 6 year anniversary. We spent that year in the mountains, enjoying the beautiful scenery and remising about our wedding. Remembering all the good times and bad. This is when our vows come into play. We said in sickness and in health. We take great care of each other. It was hard to see Darrel sick, but it made our marriage stronger. Our faith in God became everlasting. We didn't know if we would have a 10 year anniversary. But we made it. We did it for richer or for poorer too. We don't care about having the big house, fancy cars, or money in our pockets. We are just blessed to have each other to still hold at night. We decided to treat ourselves to a cruise for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We left on our actual wedding anniversary. We ported out of Jacksonville, Fl on the Fascination Ship. We were gone for 4 nights and 5 days. We didn't take the boys with us, but we sure did missed them. We went to Freeport and Nassau Bahama's. This was the perfect way to relax and enjoy our vacation together. I am sure we will always remember our 10 year. And we are looking forward to 100 more years together........