Little things is what makes me proud to be a mommy! Tonight we went to the boys pre-school for their annual ART WALK. Love going through the hallways and looking at my precious boys art work. They were so excited to show us, what they have been working on.
We looked at Karson's wall first. His class had their pictures on an apple tree, and each kid was an apple. Of course Karson has his smirk in his picture. They also had what each student wanted to be when they grow up. Karson had two occupations. He wanted to drive a fire truck and be a doctor. Sounds just like Karson. Mrs. Tuttle and Mrs. Chambers also made a Owl's nest with exactly what an Owl would use. Karson loved his little owl.
After we spent time with Karson, we went to Jackson's wall. Jackson made a pumpkin mache', he was very proud of. A spider made out of mold clay and pipe cleaner. He painted a picture with frame, that he said was a camera. And he made a book about spiders. Each page was specifically dedicated too a spider life. What a great imagination he has!!!
So fun! Pre-k is such a fun year!
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