New Years EVE!!!

Group Shot after celebrating New Years eve at Broadway at the Beach
Darrel laughing at Amanda's GPS!!!

The love of my life!
Hmm. Picture taking of us. And I am pretty sure, it is Amanda "the driver" taking it! I am sure the GPS was in control of the vehicle
EWW!! Kissing!! First kiss of 2011! This is our year to shine!
What total change of scenery for New Years Eve. Usually we are in bed and we will set the alarm clock and wake up at midnight. Not this year! We went to Senor Frog. We had a awesome time with Amanda and Taylor. I am happy that Amanda finally found someone to love her and protect her! After 14 years of friendship, I believe our friendship is stronger than ever. But watching some these freaks at Senor Frog maybe realize, I am so thrill I am not a drinker!! OMG!! I do not want to act like that. But it was fun entertainment. Even though Amanda would not let me potty at Senor Frog. I had to go to a gas station, of course the ladies was out of order. But that is okay, when you got to go, you got to go. So therefore I went into the men. EWW Gross!!! We were able to spend the night at a house in Ocean lakes. When we got back from our lil bash at New Years Eve we took a golf cart ride to the beach and it was cold!!! We finally crashed! The next day we rested and left around 5:00. We again went to Broadway at the beach, and of course most of the stores were closed! Except the Sugar Candy Shop. Expensive!!! Before we left we stop by Hard Rock Cafe! Oh we so love Hard Rock!! The service was horrible, but it mandatory to hit that spot before we left! Just overall a best weekend that i have had in along time
Group Shot after celebrating New Years eve at Broadway at the Beach
Goofy Picture!! No kids!! Having Fun!!
The love of my life!
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