Happy Birthday too my sweet angels! I can't believe you are already 5, time has flew by. Sitting here, typing this post, makes me think before we even had you. We thought we would never have any kids, month after month went by. And nothing, we were told some devastating news, about us getting pregnant. We decided one more time, one more month. And that will be it. It was emotional heartbreaking. And then finally, we were pregnant! We were so excited, very scare also. We went for an internal ultrasound at the end of July 2005 at 9 weeks, and found out we were expecting twins. We were shocked! Of course we knew, with infertility treatments, your risk for conceiving multiples were higher. But we were just happy to be pregnant, and then to find out we were double blessed. I have to admit we were scare too, due to medical issues, I was scare carrying twins, you hear horrid stories. But I had a great pregnancy. I went 38 weeks with twins! We found out at 20 weeks we were having boys! We already had names picked out, so that was easy. At the end I started having problems with high blood pressure, so that is when they decided to deliver you on Feb.17th one week earlier than planned. Because both of you were breech, I had to have a C-section. (I wanted a c-section) So at 5:16 pm Karson James Neeley was born weighing in at 6lbs and 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Jackson Darrel Neeley was born at 5:17 pm weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz and 17 1/2 inches long. Perfect, beautiful and blessed little boys. We all spent 3 days in the hospital and we all went home together! First ride home was very nerve racking. We were so scare of driving, we finally made it home. Both of you were very wet, and Jackson's little finger was stuck in the car seat buckle. So we finally got everything settle in. And we were finally at home with our babies! It was so amazing to see you guys sleep in your cribs. Our prayers were answer, we finally had a baby x2!!!! I was so blessed that God chose me to be your mom. He knew what I needed, and that was too have you guys in my life. You both are so special, you have the best little hearts, and love you show others are remarkable. Any day I am not feeling well, you make me smile. I take care of you, but really you guys take care of me and make my days brighter.