Happy Val-en-tines day!!! I got CAN-DY!!! These were the words Karson was screaming at me, when he got into the car on Valentines day. That child had more candy then he did on Halloween. What a busy week we had. This week was full of Birthday celebrations! You are 5 years old!!! Can't believe it! My heart is a lil sadden but I am just proud of the lil men you are becoming. On Tuesday 15th I had 3 teacher conferences. And they all went very well. Mrs. Lisa(Karson's speech therapist) believes Karson will no longer need speech past this year. So we are very excited with the improvement he is making. Mrs. Lisa is a great speech teacher, and Karson just adores her. I had my first conference was with Mrs. Tuttle. I am so happy with Mrs. Tuttle and Karson is attached to her. Even though he doesn't speak much to her, but talks highly of her when he gets home. Karson is doing above his level. The only downside is the talking matter. But as long as he is learning, I am happy. Karson loves the computer! It is so amazing what he knows what to do. I have lost pretty much control of my laptop when he gets home in the afternoon. He loves to play Leapster and Bookflix on the computer. My next Conference was with Ms. Lindsey. Amazing, how the different teachers were a great match for each child. Jackson is doing a great job also. Really advance in patterns. Jackson loves anything that has to do with patterns, mazes and puzzles. Also I found out he talks alot about the show "Wipeout" Everything he draws is about Wipeout!! Jackson has alot of friends, and he gets along with everyone. On Thursday was the "5th" birthday!! What a busy but fun day! The boys had separate parties at school. We got them the number 5 cupcake cake with hot wheels theme on it. The bad part about the icing was it stain very easily. Poor children had blue icing all over them. We got to eat lunch with each boy. And then we past cake and goody bags. And we ended the day with a family birthday celebration at Chili's (well with most of the family. Some decided not to come or even call the boys on their birthday. But that is okay. We know who are important, and sometimes those ppl needs to be cut out of our lives. We will still pray for them, but my kids can no longer be around that type of person. And neither can I. Hard to trust people, even if it so-call family) My mom and dad, grandma and papa came. They had a blast and got to open more presents. Chili's waitresses got to sing to the boys, and Karson was so embarrassed. Jackson was a flirt like always! Before we even got out of Monroe, the boys were out. On Friday, Sandi(Darrel's mom) came down, and the boys got more presents. Saturday morning was a busy morning, but gorgeous weather made it awesome! We went to t-ball practice(well, I thought they had t-ball practice but I was wrong, it doesn't start to next week) and then we went to downtown Waxhaw. The boys played at the park, rode bikes and then we went to have ice cream. Sandi gave the boys each $10.00, so we took them to Target to let them pick out their own toy. Jackson had no problem picking out what he wanted. Karson on the other hand was very picky. And the only thing he wanted was a "Jack-in-the-box. But that was out of the price range. So he finally decided on a toy also. Then off to Chili's again for another birthday celebration. (Have I mention, the boys love Chili's) And they got free ice cream again!!! Finally Sunday the 20th has came. And we went to Chuck E Cheese for their official birthday party. So many friends came to celebrate. The boys had a blast. 4 hours at this place was a very long time. It was crowded, but it was by far the best place to have a birthday party at. Our hostess was wonderful, and we even got to keep coins for the kids that didn't show up. I would recommend birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese!!!! The boys got more money. And as soon we got into the car, Karson had to go to Target and get his Jack in the box. And we did! Karson has his favorite toy!! Very busy week, but way worth it! Happy 5th birthday to my babies!!!
Such great pictures! Happy birthday, boys!! :-)
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