So we found out last week, that our little baby boys will be starting school on July 26. Even though it is preschool, it is a huge step. Has it already been that long, that my little babies are old enough to go to school. They are super excited, daddy is super excited, and mommy is super scared!! Don't get me wrong, I think it will be nice to have a LITTLE break, but 5 days a week for 7 hours a day. WOW that is way too long to be away from my boys. We have three months before they start, and I am already panicking about what is going to happen. Are we separating them, the school wants to separate them, I am worried for their little hearts. They have been attach to each other since they were in my belly. It has to be hard for them, it breaks my heart thinking of them being apart. On the other hand, it will help them to become more independent and not depend on each other. Maybe they will have their own little friends. But what if one doesn't make friends, and he wont even have his brother there to protect them. The school we decided on is a 5 star school in North Carolina. It is the only 5 star in the county. And they let them bring their own lunch box. Some other ones we checked doesn't allow for preschoolers to bring their own lunch. But I am already making different lunch list to get prepared. We have so much we have to buy in such little time. I know they will survived, but will I?
Awwww........they will do great! :-)
Do you know where they will be going?
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