So today is the day that Jackson goes for his surgery. We are very nervous but also relieved that he will no longer have these horrible abscess tonsils. But we started the night before of making Jackson happy and comfortable. We drop Karson off with my parents and told Jackson he could pick anywhere he wanted to go eat. And he chose his favorite place Ice Cream & Pizza Works. Afterwards we took him Target to let him pick out anything he wanted to take to the hospital with him. And he picked out the Toy Story Buzz lightyear wings. So we also had to go to Darrels Church softball game. And of course my cutie pie wore his wings. So Jackson was pretty relaxed when we went to the surgical unit for his surgery. (but to his surprised they didn't have toys like the normal hospital he loves) and he was ready to go after that. It wasn't long that they gave his "funny" medicine. And he was out for the count. The surgery went well, and was over in 20 mins. They came to get us, because Jackson was very angry and screaming when he woke up. They thought he just didnt handle the anthesia well, but they dont realize that is just Jackson. He is just like his daddy, cranky when he is tired. So we were able to come home, and Jackson wanted pizza. So we gave him pizza and he ate that for two days. The third day was hard on him, alot of pain. With the right meds he is slowly improving
Waiting for our room
After the funny medicine
I am glad that the sugery went well. I know it can be scary for little ones and mom & dad. I hope his recovery is fast. Kids usually bounce back quicker than us grown-ups do.
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