Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Funny Quotes from the boys #2

Here are some more funny little things my babies say.

12/20/2010 Jackson tells me that my driving is freaking him out!
Jackson asks Darrel if Santa Clause will bring presents under the tree, eat cookies, and drink his milk. Darrel said "YES". Jackson replies with "EXCELLENT!!!"

Per Karson: Santa clause and put candy in his stocking tonight. I said "NO Karson, he did not" Karson :"YES HE DID" Karson goes and grabs his stocking digs in it, and bring out candy canes. The whole time he is laughing, while no one was looking, he was sneaking candy into his stocking!! Crazy kid of mine!!

12/17/2010 Karson got some gifts from school today. He said "Santa clause did not bring me a bike" Jackson: "Karson a bike is not going to fit into that bag" Karson :"Jackson, it could be waiting for me outside!!!"

11/30/2010 We were in the boys room about to put them to sleep. Jackson took something away from Karson. Karson yelled out "Jackson Darrel Neeley, You AGGRAVATE me!!"

Darrel and I were sitting in the bedroom while we here Jackson screaming!!

Darrel : What is wrong Jackson?
Jackson: I got pee in my eye!!
Darrel: How did you get pee in your eye?
Jackson: It just squirted me!!
Me: Laughing too Hard!!

We went to Hallmark this past weekend to look for the boys their annual CHRISTmas tree ornament. While we were there, Karson notice the book that has the recordable voice to it. Last year Jim bought the boys "TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" and he recorded his voice to that book. So Karson proceeded to open the book and listen to the words. And he turn towards Darrel and I and said "But mommy this isn't papa jim's book" So innocent!!!

Jackson decided to tell me one day that Jesus and God does not like time outs. I asked him what about spankings? Per Jackson: "Spankings are really really bad"

Karson was in my closet today, and he notice I had some gifts that needed to be wrap. He asked what present was for who. I told him exactly which present goes too. Then he looks at me and saids "But mommy, you are not Santa Clause!!!"


Halloween has became a 3 day event around here. We started off on Friday going to MAFC to their annual spooktacular event. The boys have a ball every year. They get to play games and earn prizes. Great theme this year, the boys decided to do Toy Story. Karson was "buzz light year" and Jackson was "Woody" Each character fit the boys personality's to the tee.

On Saturday we decided to go down to SC to go trick or treating door to door. The boys had a blast and score great candy!!!

On Sunday the 31st we started off at mom and dad's church for their trick or trunk. The boys love playing at their church. But we had to leave early and head to our church for their Halloween event. Great turnout at Lee Park. So fun seeing the boys dressed up!!!