Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Almost 2 months of blogging to do!

I have no clue where to start. I have neglected the blog, and now I have to remember 2 months of details to share. The boys were out of school for 2 weeks in April for spring break. We had a lot to go on with Easter, Church and finally our prayers were answer. Most of my close friends will know what I am talking about. It was a long fight (4 years) but everything is going good right now, and now there is relief in the picture. I started another infusion called Acterma. Seems like it is working so far. Besides having some minor allergic reaction, I think I can handle it for now. Its nice to be able to grab my hair brush without being in pain. We also bought a new house. We re happy and feel at home. We are living back in Waxhaw and it is wonderful! I love to be able to walk into town, walk the boys to the park or go shopping! We did our follow up visit with Karson's neurologist. She did dx him with Epilepsy with seizure tendencies. The best way to explain it is like this : when you try to build a fire, you have sparks. After so many sparks you finally create a fire. Well if Karson : he has different tendencies during the night : teeth grinding, sleep walking, sleep talking, rolling around, not getting a good nights rest. Well all of those are consider sparks, after while those sparks aka tendencies are going to become seizures. This is also the reason he had so many "febrile seizures". We started him on a new epilepsy medication this is his 4th in the last 4 years. We never like many of them b/c they did change his temperament. We are hoping this one works, and redo another sleep test next year to see where we are at. Darrel had a food allergy testing done to see why he was choking on his food. Come to find out he is allergic to BEEF(yes guys, he is allergic to cow. Which includes Steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and other things) also, pepper, apples, peaches and eggs. So we are doing our best to eliminate or at least cut down on the amount of foods he is allergic too. We are now settle into our house, and the boys are almost of school. Everyone is doing great right now. Can't wait to see my babies graduate from Pre-school!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Seems like the weeks are flying by. We are almost at summer time, and we can't wait! I started my new infusion for Rheumatoid Arthritis this past week. A little nervous, since I am a weakling when it comes to these infusions. Most people do not know that theses infusions are the same that they use for chemo. So they are really hard on the body. This is my 5th different type of infusion. And so far I have a lot of side effects, which is scary. The nausea, heart palpation's and hives are back. But they only last for about 3 days, which I can handle, as long as the pain goes away. As of right now, the pain is 3x's worse than before. I go back on the 25th for my second dose, praying for this too work. I need the relief from that pain now! I got to visit with both of the boys classrooms on Friday. I love being in there with them. I was told my one lil boy that he love me. It just melts your heart, hearing those words! Friday night, Karson and I went out on a date. We went to Chili's and Karson had the best meal ever! We went to target to grab him a little toy. Karson was getting extra special treatment since he was getting a sleep study that night. We arrived to the doctors office, and was accepted right away. Our nurse, Rita, was very helpful. Karson did a great job, while they hooked all his robot wires to his head and body. Karson slept very well, he had so minor sleep talking, and teeth grinding. He woke up twice a little confuse, but other than that, it was a great night for Karson. I stopped by Bojangles the following morning, to get everyone some breakfast. Our meal cost $6.42; at first I thought she said $6.24. So I handed her 6 one dollar bills, and .24 in some change. She then informed me it was .42 not .24. I was okay with that, so I counted out more change and gave her .42 in change. After I handed the change to her; she looked at me dumbfounded and asked me if this is supposed to be .42. I said "yes" and she throws the change into the drawer and said she was not counting it. I then realize, I am getting older, because I can't believe that the young teenagers these days are immature. Really, you can't count out .42 of change?

The sad note we learn this week, is Karson's sleep study results. Karson is having Seizure activity, which means the neuro would like to put Karson back on seizure medicine. This is something Darrel and I will have to make on our own. Karson has been doing so well lately, we have been very proud. I wasn't expecting this news, and it breaks my heart. I hate the fact my baby is having seizures, and I didn't know or expect it. We are not sure if we are starting back on seizure medicine, we are praying for the right answer. I know when Karson was on the meds before, he wasn't the same kid. I would really hate having a different child, than the child I have now. He is so outgoing, and lovable. So pray with us and for that we can make the right decision that is for Karson.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 20-26th 2011

This was finally a quiet week for us. We found out that the boys did not make it into Union Academy. We are number 88 on the waiting list. But we are actually okay with that. Since we found out that we have an "Contract" on our new house. The house is in Waxhaw city limits. So the boys will be going to the same elementary school that I went too. I am very excited over this. I love Waxhaw, and it is time for me to go back to my hometown! I was asked by Mr. Rodane if I will attend the cluster meeting for inner city schools. I was nervous about going. But I did go. I found out a lot of information about Union County Public Schools. It is a very scary situation. Something we all need to pray about. We had our house inspection on Saturday. Everything looks good! Very happy except for the fact the house has BATS in the attic. They are in between the screen and wall, so they are not actually inside the attic as of yet. But still creepy!! Can you believe BATS are protected by PETA. Crazy!! I say "kill em"!!! Our closing date is set for April 25th. Happy to be homeowners again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 13th-March19th 2011




With spring approaching, we are finding ourselves busy. So the boys 6:00 pm bedtime is getting later and later. And I am seeing this is becoming a problem in the mornings, when it is time to wake the boys up. Jackson is now starting to begged to sleep in on school days. On the weekends this boy is up at 5:00 AM sharp!!!
I was in Jackson's class this week, and I came to conclusion teachers must know everything about their children parents. I am only in their classes a couple hours a week, and I know a lot about these parents. I am praying that the boys don't share their home stories with their class, who knows what is said! I do know who parents are in jail, who have extra boyfriends or girlfriends, and who also can get jiggy with it(one of Jackson's little buddies term) The boys principal called me last week and asked me if I will be representative for WBEC in their Cluster meeting. I said "yes" but now I am nervous. Like I said before, I wish the boys could stay at this school, but since WBEC is only a pre-school, they must continue into elementary school. Maybe their teachers can go to which every school the boys will attend. And even Mr. Rodane. I never met a principal as loving and kind hearted as this man. He really cares for his students and teachers. We got to celebrate St. Patricks day this week. And the boys were excited. The leprechaun came to their classroom and they had to find where he went and where the treasure was. We got to indulge into St. Patricks day a little more when they got home. The boys and I made dinner that night and we had: Green eggs, Green pancakes, green milk and green pudding. Karson and Jackson loves to help cook, and the loved everything being green. Isn't it amazing how cooking with your child for 20mins can add a lifetime memory into their head.

Some funny conversations we had this week :

I asked Karson if he has been playing in the grass at school again. He said "mommy, how do you know everything?" I said "mommies know everything" Plus he had grass stains on his pants. But he doesn't need to know that.
Darrel and I had a great conversation one night with a very sleep walking Karson. There has been a fly in his room, that we can seem to kill. Karson wakes up and demanding we kill this fly, because it keeps biting him in the head. Finally, Darrel kills the fly. Karson said "I don't like being mushed(smushed, but Karson "s" are still delayed) but since it was the fly it can be mushed. Then we hear banging on the walls, we walked in and asked Karson what he was doing. He said he was mushing all the flies. There were no flies, Karson was still asleep :)

Jackson informed on that "Mommies are always right" I said "why?" Because you told me if I ate all of those green pancakes, eggs, pudding and milk, my poop may be green so don't be scare. I said "okay" Jackson : Mommy, my poop was GREEEEEEEEEEEEN.... A little too much information, but to cute to pass up.

We got to surprised Darrel this weekend with NCAA tickets to see the UNC Tarheels play in Charlotte. Darrel works very hard for our family, and he deserved these tickets. And he was very shock that he got to go. He had a blast!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 6th-March 12th

We watched "Despicable Me" for the first time. And it was honestly a great movie. The boys love it. I love watching movies with the family, nothing is more comforting then having the whole family snuggling together and laughing(maybe snoring in b/t too)

Jackson has informed us this week that he has a new best friend at school. But, unfortunately,he does not know his name. Karson had his very first school play this past Thursday. I have to admit for some reason, I had tears in my eyes. Must be a mommy thing. There were 3 other classes with his play. Karson's class did "This Old Man", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Caps for Sale" Karson was a strawberry for the Very Hungry Caterpillar. And then the whole class was Monkeys for "Caps for Sale" Vicente was the peddler, and he did an awesome job. All of the kids were so proud of themselves. They had such great fun.

As I may have mention before in past. I let the boys chose my toenail color, when I go get pedicures. This week, Karson and Jackson double team me. They decided they wanted Yellow!! Yellow just like the sun! And that is what I did. I now have Bright, Yellow and Springy Toes! I love my sweet, sassy boys!

We finally had the boys 5 year old well check up. Yes! I know!! 5 years. My little babies are now 5. Everything was wonderful. Dr. Parrish was very pleased with Karson's speaking. Karson weighed in at 49 pounds and 45 1/2 inches tall. He is now in the 90th percentile for height and weight. As of right now, Dr. Parrish his projecting his height to be 6'2 when he is an adult. Amazing how much Karson's appearances has change over the past couple months. Jackson is catching up with Karson finally! Even though, we still feel like the boys mimic the movies "Twins" with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not that much of a difference but still it is cute. Jackson weighed in at 38.8 pounds and 42 1/2 inches tall. Dr. Parrish projected Jackson to be around 5'9 1/2 when he is older. Both boys had to get their "Kindergarten Shots" Karson had the first shot, and started crying until he saw blood. Then he stopped and look. He said "HEHEHE Bleed" Karson is going to be in the medical field or computers :) Jackson, on the other hand, was not very good at getting his shots this time. After the first one, he was done. So I told him the shots were to make his arm stronger. I asked him which arm did he want to have the biggest muscle in. Of course, he chose his throwing arm. On the way home, Jackson got in trouble for back talking(seems to be a habit of his) I informed him, if he kept it up, he would not go to t-ball practice tomorrow. He started crying and losing his breath. We didn't know why he got so upset. Jackson finally calmed down and said " But mommy, I have to go to t-ball practice to show everyone how I can throw hard now, since I got a shot in my muscle!" He sure does love baseball.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Feb 28th-March 5th 2011

Slow week for us. Not much going on. The boys are into singing right now. Both are gearing up for their spring plays for school. I am still not sure what Karson's class is exactly working on, but I know about Jacksons. His play is on April 7th. Jackson knows his song "Down by the Bay" by heart. Even Darrel and I are singing the song. Jackson will be playing the baby bear in the play. I am sure, he will do great, he loves attention. The boys are also in the music maker class with church. And they love it. We have a CD we listen to constantly. And they know most of the words by heart. They love going to church on Sunday nights. I am so happy we are part of a church that has so much to offer for the boys. We were able to celebrate Ally's 4th birthday with her at Extreme play. The boys had a great time. Jackson and I had our weekly date night watching Survivor. He loves that show! While Jackson and I watch the show, Karson gets to play on my computer playing Bookflix. Still overwhelmed, that my 5 year old, can work my computer.........

Feb 21st-27th 2011

This was the week for relaxing after celebrating the boys birthday for 5 days straight! I now say I have two 5 year old! Where did my babies go. I still can't believe they are little men now. Both of them mature overnight. The boys imaginations are growing like weeds. It is amazing at our conversations. Jackson went to use the bathroom and came back with a funny story.

Jackson: Mommy , every time you flush the toilet, it goes to the ocean.
Me: really?
Jackson: Yes Mommy!
Me: Who told you this?
Jackson: That is what my friend Nemo said. So my pee goes to the ocean
Then with a giggle he walks away.

This Tuesday I was in Karson's class. While Jackson had a special guest in his class. Later that day after I picked the boys up, I learned very quickly who the special guest was. I was informed that I drive to fast, I do not use my blinkers correctly. Even when I turned right on red, Jackson about flipped. Yes, you may have guessed it, Jackson's guest was a police officer.

We received a little note from Karson's teacher this week. It said that "Karson is now talking up a storm!" Our little shy boy, is now coming out of his shell.

The boys had their first t-ball practice for the spring. It is going to be a great year. Seems like all the parents will get along fine. Hopefully no more craziness like last fall. The boys have a terrific coach, and they were thrilled to have him back again this year. The improvement the boys made in the last year, rocks!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb 14th-20th

Ticket Blaster!!

Karson's cake

Jackson's Cake

Sandi and the boys
Karson at Chili's

Jackson passing out after his Ice Creame

Jackson digging into his desert
Family photo
Maw Maw Bonnie
big pawpaw and big mawmaw
birthday cake for school
opening presents at 5:00 am
Happy Val-en-tines day!!! I got CAN-DY!!! These were the words Karson was screaming at me, when he got into the car on Valentines day. That child had more candy then he did on Halloween. What a busy week we had. This week was full of Birthday celebrations! You are 5 years old!!! Can't believe it! My heart is a lil sadden but I am just proud of the lil men you are becoming. On Tuesday 15th I had 3 teacher conferences. And they all went very well. Mrs. Lisa(Karson's speech therapist) believes Karson will no longer need speech past this year. So we are very excited with the improvement he is making. Mrs. Lisa is a great speech teacher, and Karson just adores her. I had my first conference was with Mrs. Tuttle. I am so happy with Mrs. Tuttle and Karson is attached to her. Even though he doesn't speak much to her, but talks highly of her when he gets home. Karson is doing above his level. The only downside is the talking matter. But as long as he is learning, I am happy. Karson loves the computer! It is so amazing what he knows what to do. I have lost pretty much control of my laptop when he gets home in the afternoon. He loves to play Leapster and Bookflix on the computer. My next Conference was with Ms. Lindsey. Amazing, how the different teachers were a great match for each child. Jackson is doing a great job also. Really advance in patterns. Jackson loves anything that has to do with patterns, mazes and puzzles. Also I found out he talks alot about the show "Wipeout" Everything he draws is about Wipeout!! Jackson has alot of friends, and he gets along with everyone. On Thursday was the "5th" birthday!! What a busy but fun day! The boys had separate parties at school. We got them the number 5 cupcake cake with hot wheels theme on it. The bad part about the icing was it stain very easily. Poor children had blue icing all over them. We got to eat lunch with each boy. And then we past cake and goody bags. And we ended the day with a family birthday celebration at Chili's (well with most of the family. Some decided not to come or even call the boys on their birthday. But that is okay. We know who are important, and sometimes those ppl needs to be cut out of our lives. We will still pray for them, but my kids can no longer be around that type of person. And neither can I. Hard to trust people, even if it so-call family) My mom and dad, grandma and papa came. They had a blast and got to open more presents. Chili's waitresses got to sing to the boys, and Karson was so embarrassed. Jackson was a flirt like always! Before we even got out of Monroe, the boys were out. On Friday, Sandi(Darrel's mom) came down, and the boys got more presents. Saturday morning was a busy morning, but gorgeous weather made it awesome! We went to t-ball practice(well, I thought they had t-ball practice but I was wrong, it doesn't start to next week) and then we went to downtown Waxhaw. The boys played at the park, rode bikes and then we went to have ice cream. Sandi gave the boys each $10.00, so we took them to Target to let them pick out their own toy. Jackson had no problem picking out what he wanted. Karson on the other hand was very picky. And the only thing he wanted was a "Jack-in-the-box. But that was out of the price range. So he finally decided on a toy also. Then off to Chili's again for another birthday celebration. (Have I mention, the boys love Chili's) And they got free ice cream again!!! Finally Sunday the 20th has came. And we went to Chuck E Cheese for their official birthday party. So many friends came to celebrate. The boys had a blast. 4 hours at this place was a very long time. It was crowded, but it was by far the best place to have a birthday party at. Our hostess was wonderful, and we even got to keep coins for the kids that didn't show up. I would recommend birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese!!!! The boys got more money. And as soon we got into the car, Karson had to go to Target and get his Jack in the box. And we did! Karson has his favorite toy!! Very busy week, but way worth it! Happy 5th birthday to my babies!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 years old!

Happy Birthday too my sweet angels! I can't believe you are already 5, time has flew by. Sitting here, typing this post, makes me think before we even had you. We thought we would never have any kids, month after month went by. And nothing, we were told some devastating news, about us getting pregnant. We decided one more time, one more month. And that will be it. It was emotional heartbreaking. And then finally, we were pregnant! We were so excited, very scare also. We went for an internal ultrasound at the end of July 2005 at 9 weeks, and found out we were expecting twins. We were shocked! Of course we knew, with infertility treatments, your risk for conceiving multiples were higher. But we were just happy to be pregnant, and then to find out we were double blessed. I have to admit we were scare too, due to medical issues, I was scare carrying twins, you hear horrid stories. But I had a great pregnancy. I went 38 weeks with twins! We found out at 20 weeks we were having boys! We already had names picked out, so that was easy. At the end I started having problems with high blood pressure, so that is when they decided to deliver you on Feb.17th one week earlier than planned. Because both of you were breech, I had to have a C-section. (I wanted a c-section) So at 5:16 pm Karson James Neeley was born weighing in at 6lbs and 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Jackson Darrel Neeley was born at 5:17 pm weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz and 17 1/2 inches long. Perfect, beautiful and blessed little boys. We all spent 3 days in the hospital and we all went home together! First ride home was very nerve racking. We were so scare of driving, we finally made it home. Both of you were very wet, and Jackson's little finger was stuck in the car seat buckle. So we finally got everything settle in. And we were finally at home with our babies! It was so amazing to see you guys sleep in your cribs. Our prayers were answer, we finally had a baby x2!!!! I was so blessed that God chose me to be your mom. He knew what I needed, and that was too have you guys in my life. You both are so special, you have the best little hearts, and love you show others are remarkable. Any day I am not feeling well, you make me smile. I take care of you, but really you guys take care of me and make my days brighter.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb 7th-13th





Oh No!! We got hit with the Crud!!

The stomach bug finally made it to our house. Started off with Karson, then to Darrel. I was laughing at Darrel, and then I got it 5 hrs later. (note to self. no more laughing at Darrel getting sick) Finally Jackson got it. The house is Lysol, and the bug has left the house. I pray it never returns!

We went to Union Academy admission information session. We are hoping the boys get into this Charter School. It is by lottery, so we will find out more in March, rather or not they were accepted.

Jim(Darrel's Dad) came down for the weekend, to spend with the boys for their birthdays. They were excited to see Jim. Seem like everyone had fun, and of course the boys were spoiled with presents!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feb 1st-6th 2011

I am going to try something new. At least updating per week with details of our lives. Darrel is mainly working, being a father and husband and also being a great bowler! His bowling average has greatly improved this season to an average of 217. My ladies bible study started back this week also. And "WOW" what a great study we are doing. "Having a Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver. This week we had a major testing done for Jackson at University of North Carolina (aka Tar heel Town per Jackson) Jackson has been showing signs of JRA. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This appt has been set up for 6 long months. And finally it happen. Dr. Stein did a complete medical work up and evaluation. He could not find any physically wrong with Jackson, but he perform major lab work up. Praise the lord that the Dr. thinks Jackson is okay. We spent 3 nights in Raleigh with Darrel's mom. On Friday, Darrel and Sandi, took the boys to the UNC Basketball museum. I heard they had a great time. Per Darrel it is a must to go back, and since it is free. I am sure we will.

I also came to love a GPS system. Yes I know, I am way behind on the GPS thing. But I am def. getting one very soon. Also one of my Best Friends celebrated her 30th birthday this week. So Happy Birthday Barbara!!!

Some funny sayings:

Jackson was upset one night. I went to check on him. He threw his teddy bear at me and said " I don't want this thing, I want someone real to sleep with!!!

Karson "Mommy, Please take my leapsters out of the room." "Why Karson?" "Mommy, I am scare the frog is going to leap on my head during sleeping"

"Karson, why do you always have to sleep with mommy and not daddy?" "Because, Mommy is fluffy!" Thank you my love!!!

Jan 2011

January went bye so fast! Not sure where to start. Jackson went back to the eye doctor. His left eye is slowly gaining back eye strength. We are still doing the atropine eye drops. It is so hard to patch a 4 year old. Karson went back to the neurologist, and she confirmed what we had suspected for the past 3 years. My sweet Karson, so gentle, and shy. He is my snuggle bear. But we found out he has Aspergars. Which is type of Autism. But we are one of the lucky ones, where Karson may grow out of this with the right type of therapy and social groups. While some may not see anything wrong with Karson. I, as his mother, knows something isn't right. But I know he will grow into a beautiful christian man. Just remember if you see a kid with a temper tantrum, it doesn't mean that kid is a wild child, or not discipline. That child may have a medical problem. We are going on 2 years seizure free. We couldn't be more thrill with this. Both boys are still excelling in school. Best decision we ever made with the boys was putting them into pre-school. Jackson is learning syllables, and how to read. Karson is learning the pledge of allegiance. Karson knows how to operate a computer like an adult. Jackson is hooked on the speed channel. The child wakes up and turns off my alarm clock. He gets dress and turns on the speed channel. Yes, I know he is Darrel's son. We are learning, that even though we are not speaking to the boys directly, they are still listening to our conversations.

Jackson informed last week, that a lil girl in his class said he was mean. Jackson was very upset over this. Per Jackson "I am not mean at school, mommy!! I am only mean at home." Thank You Jackson!! I am glad you are nice at school. The boys join the music makers at church and they are both enjoying it very much. They are both doing great in cubbies and remembering their bible verses every week. Once a week we have game night. I am learning that all three of my boys are very competitive. Trying to teach them that it is okay to lose, and winning doesn't include a win dance every time(Karson James) The boys also started Skating this month. Maw Maw and Paw Paw Jackson took the boys twice skating, and they are having a blast learning how to do it. Hopefully one day, I may be able to join them. I am so proud of what my babies have become, still can't believe in a couple weeks they will be 5. I am sure the next post will be very sappy!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Too Funny

New Years EVE!!!

Group Shot after celebrating New Years eve at Broadway at the Beach
I love this girl, even though, she is always late!!
Goofy Picture!! No kids!! Having Fun!!
Darrel laughing at Amanda's GPS!!!

The love of my life!
Hmm. Picture taking of us. And I am pretty sure, it is Amanda "the driver" taking it! I am sure the GPS was in control of the vehicle
EWW!! Kissing!! First kiss of 2011! This is our year to shine!

What total change of scenery for New Years Eve. Usually we are in bed and we will set the alarm clock and wake up at midnight. Not this year! We went to Senor Frog. We had a awesome time with Amanda and Taylor. I am happy that Amanda finally found someone to love her and protect her! After 14 years of friendship, I believe our friendship is stronger than ever. But watching some these freaks at Senor Frog maybe realize, I am so thrill I am not a drinker!! OMG!! I do not want to act like that. But it was fun entertainment. Even though Amanda would not let me potty at Senor Frog. I had to go to a gas station, of course the ladies was out of order. But that is okay, when you got to go, you got to go. So therefore I went into the men. EWW Gross!!! We were able to spend the night at a house in Ocean lakes. When we got back from our lil bash at New Years Eve we took a golf cart ride to the beach and it was cold!!! We finally crashed! The next day we rested and left around 5:00. We again went to Broadway at the beach, and of course most of the stores were closed! Except the Sugar Candy Shop. Expensive!!! Before we left we stop by Hard Rock Cafe! Oh we so love Hard Rock!! The service was horrible, but it mandatory to hit that spot before we left! Just overall a best weekend that i have had in along time

Yes! White Christmas!!!

Kinda sorta. White Christmas for North Carolina folks!! The day after still counts! What fun was it to wake up too snow!!! The boys were so excited to get outside and go jump on the trampoline!! So it was a snowball fight, trampoline jumping, hot cocoa day. What a great way to end the Christmas weekend!!!